Course curriculum

    1. Introduction & Outcomes

    1. Important Definitions

    2. Functional Mobility Explained

    3. Muscular Systems

    4. Understanding Corrective Exercise - All you need to know about foam rolling & mobility

    1. The Deep Longitudinal Subsystem (DST)

    2. DST Foam Rolling - The Tibia

    3. DST Foam Rolling - The Hamstring

    4. DST Foam Rolling - The Back

    5. DST Mobility - Downward Dog to Cobra

    6. DST Mobility - Hammy Kick

    7. DST Mobility - Hip Crossover

    8. DST Mobility - Rocking Child

    9. DST Mobility - Side Swipe

    10. DST Mobility - Under Over

    11. DST Mobility - Hip & Hammy

    12. DST Mobility - Squat to Squat

    1. The Posterior Oblique System (POS)

    2. POS Foam Rolling - Glutes

    3. POS Foam Rolling - The Lats

    4. POS Mobility - Dirty Dog

    5. POS Mobility - Horse Riding

    6. POS Mobility - Single Leg Glute Bridge

    7. POS Mobility - Bird Dog

    8. POS Mobility - Flat T Reach

    9. POS Mobility - TYI

    10. POS Mobility - Y to Handcuff

    11. POS Mobility - Push Pulse

    12. POS Mobility - Shrugs

    1. The Anterior Oblique System (AOS)

    2. AOS Foam Rolling - Quadriceps

    3. AOS Foam Rolling - Hip Flexor

    4. AOS Foam Rolling - Chest

    5. AOS Foam Rolling - Biceps

    6. AOS Mobility - Active Groiner

    7. AOS Mobility - Chest to Chest

    8. AOS Mobility - Crunches

    9. AOS Mobility - Supine Horse Riding

    10. AOS Mobility - Inner Thigh

    11. AOS Mobility - Push Up & Reach

    12. AOS Mobility - Fully Loaded Beast

    13. AOS Mobility - Squat Reach

    1. The Lateral System (LS)

    2. LS Foam Rolling - Calves

    3. LS Foam rolling - Tricep

    4. LS Foam Rolling - The Lats

    5. LS Mobility - Ankle Work

    6. LS Mobility - Fire Hydrant

    7. LS Mobility - Fire Hydrant Circle

    8. LS Mobility - Jumping Jack

    9. LS Mobility - Shift Push Ups

    10. LS Mobility - Side Lying Shoulder

    11. LS Mobility - Prone Scorpion

About this course

  • 54 lessons