Norse Functional Mobility Course
Take your performance to the next level with the functional mobility course. Stay injury free, achieve new personal bests & have fun with creative & unique exercises!
Introduction & Outcomes
Important Definitions
Functional Mobility Explained
Muscular Systems
Understanding Corrective Exercise - All you need to know about foam rolling & mobility
The Deep Longitudinal Subsystem (DST)
DST Foam Rolling - The Tibia
DST Foam Rolling - The Hamstring
DST Foam Rolling - The Back
DST Mobility - Downward Dog to Cobra
DST Mobility - Hammy Kick
DST Mobility - Hip Crossover
DST Mobility - Rocking Child
DST Mobility - Side Swipe
DST Mobility - Under Over
DST Mobility - Hip & Hammy
DST Mobility - Squat to Squat
The Posterior Oblique System (POS)
POS Foam Rolling - Glutes
POS Foam Rolling - The Lats
POS Mobility - Dirty Dog
POS Mobility - Horse Riding
POS Mobility - Single Leg Glute Bridge
POS Mobility - Bird Dog
POS Mobility - Flat T Reach
POS Mobility - TYI
POS Mobility - Y to Handcuff
POS Mobility - Push Pulse
POS Mobility - Shrugs
The Anterior Oblique System (AOS)
AOS Foam Rolling - Quadriceps
AOS Foam Rolling - Hip Flexor
AOS Foam Rolling - Chest
AOS Foam Rolling - Biceps
AOS Mobility - Active Groiner
AOS Mobility - Chest to Chest
AOS Mobility - Crunches
AOS Mobility - Supine Horse Riding
AOS Mobility - Inner Thigh
AOS Mobility - Push Up & Reach
AOS Mobility - Fully Loaded Beast
AOS Mobility - Squat Reach
The Lateral System (LS)
LS Foam Rolling - Calves
LS Foam rolling - Tricep
LS Foam Rolling - The Lats
LS Mobility - Ankle Work
LS Mobility - Fire Hydrant
LS Mobility - Fire Hydrant Circle
LS Mobility - Jumping Jack
LS Mobility - Shift Push Ups
LS Mobility - Side Lying Shoulder
LS Mobility - Prone Scorpion